Saturday, July 31, 2010

The return to the northern hemisphere is imminent

I woke up bright and early this morning and took one more stroll through the grounds of our resort. I was greeted with a clear view of the volcano Antisana, with its snow-capped top, before the clouds descended and hid it from view. By 9 am, we all were loaded back on to the bus to begin our trip back to Quito and visit the meeting of the hemispheres. We arrived at Mitad del Mundo around noon and began the tour of the museum and also experimented in many activities that can only be performed on the equator. There was the loss of balance when trying to walk a straight line, trying to balance an egg on a nail (Mike was the only one in our group to balance the egg which earned him the title of Egg Head, well that's my title for him, I'm sure the official title was a little nicer), the loss of resistance and many other interesting factoids of the middle of the earth. We piled back on to the bus and headed to the other equator line (this was the original equator line marker, until GPS determined that it was off by 240 meters and a new equator line was marked which is the first stop we made of the day). By now it was around 3 pm, so we headed to our hotel to check in and then piled back on to the bus to head to the central market. We spent the next three hours shopping and then enjoyed one last Ecuadorian meal. One last stop of the night had us at the grocery store to stock up on more coffee and chocolate and then we returned to the hotel at 8. We leave for the airport at 4 am tomorrow and I should arrive back in to KC by 6:30 pm. I cannot wait to see my family and hear their familiar voices and receive my many hugs and kisses. I thank my husband for agreeing to my eight day foray and taking care of the children during my absence. I now close this chapter on my life, but the journey is not over, it is only a bridge to the next adventure.

Much love to the country of Ecuador and all of the love and compassions you have bestowed upon me and my companions. Until next time...hasta luego!

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